The TMI: October 29, 2023

Exclusive Early Release for LUNAR FLASH! 

You can read RIGHT NOW! 30 days before it's available on all the retailers. ORDER HERE.

In the seaside enclave of Aura Cove, Thanksgiving and Christmas have arrived, and Katie’s beach house becomes a haven for all her loved ones gathered together under one roof to celebrate the holiday season.

Karma brings Lorelei to Katie. Her valiant battle against Polycystic Kidney Disease puts her at the top of the transplant list, and her devoted family gathers around, desperate to find a suitable donor.

Meanwhile, Zoya is on a selfish mission to free her soulmate from the clutches of Lilith, the embodiment of darkness. Despite her past failures, Zoya is determined to succeed this time at any cost.

An extraordinary lunar event shatters the barriers between the living and the dead for one night. Zoya, Yuli, and Katie find themselves reunited, discovering their destinies are inexplicably linked, but the eternal coven's collective desire to heal the wounds that haunt them may never materialize.

In this captivating next installment, holiday traditions blend harmoniously with mystical energies, igniting hope and forgiveness during the most magical time of the year. 


Currently Watching: Billions

It's the last season and I am hoping they do the series justice during the finale. It's swaying political, so I find myself dozing off and getting annoyed by Mike Prince, but I'm in too far to turn back now. I am a finisher, so I will power through, hoping that it doesn't devolve into the similar weak sauce letdown I felt watching the last season of Succession. 

Currently Reading: The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires

Creepy and gory, this one is a far departure from my regular reads, but it held my attention and was perfect for spooky season. The author does an incredible job making your skin crawl during some horrific moments in the story. There are some stereotypical themes I found slightly annoying, but overall it was a hard one to put down. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires: A Novel book review by Blair Bryan

Currently Writing: Flash Point: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 4

I'm deep in final revisions of Book 4 of the series. My trusty alpha readers have given me a lot to chew on, and I have 30 more days to dig deep to tell the best story I can. Rox is a character facing insurmountable odds that you will root for!  
Pre-order from this website and get it in your hands 30 days before Amazon! 
Flash Point Midlife in Aura Cove by Blair Bryan

The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Edie Walker

(Enter for your chance to win at the bottom of this page.)

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