The TMI: November 5, 2023

We Hit Another Amazing Milestone! 1000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

And last week I received word that Hawt Flash was an Amazon Best Seller in 2 Categories---Woman's Humorous Fiction and Women's Fantasy Fiction. After four years of toiling away in obscurity writing books I was compelled to write, but that couldn't find their readers, I am thrilled to finally find a measure of real success. 2024 looks BRIGHT!  

Hawt Flash a New Best Selling Paranormal Women's Fiction Series by Blair Bryan

Escape to Aura Cove, where your grandmother's artisanal chocolate shop serves up a healthy dose of Karma to those who deserve it!

Readers are raving about the Midlife in Aura Cove Series.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Hilarious and Heartwarming."
“Best New Series for Women over 50"
“I Literally Laughed Out Loud. It Was so Relatable"

Exclusive Early Release for LUNAR FLASH! 

You can read RIGHT NOW! 30 days before it's available on all the retailers. ORDER HERE.

In the seaside enclave of Aura Cove, Thanksgiving and Christmas have arrived, and Katie’s beach house becomes a haven for all her loved ones gathered together under one roof to celebrate the holiday season.

Karma brings Lorelei to Katie. Her valiant battle against Polycystic Kidney Disease puts her at the top of the transplant list, and her devoted family gathers around, desperate to find a suitable donor.

Meanwhile, Zoya is on a selfish mission to free her soulmate from the clutches of Lilith, the embodiment of darkness. Despite her past failures, Zoya is determined to succeed this time at any cost.

An extraordinary lunar event shatters the barriers between the living and the dead for one night. Zoya, Yuli, and Katie find themselves reunited, discovering their destinies are inexplicably linked, but the eternal coven's collective desire to heal the wounds that haunt them may never materialize.

In this captivating next installment, holiday traditions blend harmoniously with mystical energies, igniting hope and forgiveness during the most magical time of the year. 

Currently Watching: Billions

Holy COW! The series finale of Billions was one of the most satisfying endings of any series I've ever watched. So delicious!! 

Currently Reading: Other Birds

This was a sweet and heartwarming read perfect after the gory one I read last week. I wanted to crawl inside this book, meet the characters, and move into their condo neighborhood. With a few clever twists and characters that are easy to fall in love with, you will adore this read if you love heartwarming tales about found family. 

Other Birds: A Novel by Sarah Addison Allen Book Review by Paranormal Women's Fiction AuthorBlair Bryan

Currently Writing: Flash Point: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 4

I'm deep in final revisions of Book 4 of the series. My trusty alpha readers have given me a lot to chew on, and I have 30 more days to dig deep to tell the best story I can. Rox is a character facing insurmountable odds that you will root for!  
Pre-order from this website and get it in your hands 30 days before Amazon! 
Flash Point Midlife in Aura Cove by Blair Bryan

The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Alison Anderson

(Enter for your chance to win at the bottom of this page.)

P.S. I Need Your Help!

Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them! 
More reviews=More visibility.

You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt
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