The TMi: May 26, 2024

Meet the Mortal Coven of Midlife in Aura Cove 

Spotlight on the Mortal Coven: Three Generations of Powerful Women

This weekend, I channeled my creativity into designing character cards for the inspiring women of the Mortal Coven in Aura Cove. Allow me to introduce you to these three remarkable generations:

Katie (50 years old): The quintessential empathetic mother who has just uncovered the family secret. Her nurturing spirit and newfound knowledge set the stage for an exciting journey ahead.

Yuli (98 years old): The no-nonsense protector and founder of Kandied Karma, Yuli serves as Katie's guide. Her wisdom and strength are the backbone of the coven, ensuring its legacy endures.

Zoya (133 years old): The powerful coven leader who lives life on her own terms. Zoya uses her magic as a fountain of youth and wields her beauty as a weapon, embodying both power and independence.

Explore the magic that binds them together! Start the series today. 

Something New Witch Way Comes: The Secret Society!

Ever wish you could step into a magical world filled with powerful women over 40? Now you can.

Welcome to Aura Cove, an exclusive gated community where magic comes to life. Here, you'll gain insider access to the series, enjoy exclusive content, and become part of the creative journey. Join us and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Aura Cove!

Currently Writing: Flash of Love

PRE-ORDER FLASH OF LOVE NOW for Early Access in September 2024. Available Worldwide Wherever Good Books Are Sold on Oct 1, 2024. 

I’ve reached the 2/3's mark of the first draft, and it’s is even surprising me! That's the magic of writing and I live for that feeling. The growth of the three generations of witches has astonished me. They are not the same characters you met in Book 1—this journey has transformed them beyond recognition. I KNOW you will see bits of yourself in them. 

Flash of Love 

Currently Reading: At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities

A book hug. That's the easiest and best way to describe this delightful low fantasy read. The middle meandered a bit, but the ending is wonderfully satisfying and ties everything together perfectly.

The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Candace Walldorf 

(Enter for your chance to win at the bottom of this page.)

P.S. I Need Your Help!

Book review Blair Bryans books

Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them! 
More reviews=More visibility.

You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt!


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