Acknowledgements & Author's Notes

To be finishing my first series fills me with such a sense of accomplishment, but I would be remiss if I didn’t thank some of the people who have helped me on this journey.

First, there’s Kristi M., who earlier this year became my sister-in-law. She’s one of my most trusted first readers, wading through the mess that is my first draft to mine it for veins of gold and telling me the truth about where I’ve made mistakes. She’s an invaluable part of my process, and I treasure our relationship in all its facets since we’ve met. You are a gem, and I adore you.

Next is my editor, Kendra G. Almost six years ago, she was recommended to me, and over the course of those six years and fourteen novels, I’ve learned to trust her implicitly. You make my books better in every way, and no AI bot will ever hold a candle to you.

I’ve saved the best for last: my guy, aka the mancake, puddin, sweetness and light, sun of my moon—Patrick. From the very beginning, he believed in my dream of becoming an author and supported it without negativity. When I needed an audio setup, he scoured Facebook listings to help me find an affordable one. When it was time to convert a closet into a recording studio, he gave up days of his life to help me install our jerry-rigged setup. When sales dipped and I struggled, he wiped away my tears and gave me the courage to keep going. As a creative entrepreneur, this is exactly the kind of support I needed to break through.

2024 has been my breakthrough year. After five years of toiling in obscurity, readers are finally finding my books and falling in love with them. There were so many dark days leading up to this when it would have been easy to give up, but having these people in my corner only strengthened my determination to prove I could do it—to find success for myself and on my own terms. Climbing this mountain and seeing the first real rewards fills me with possibilities and joy for a future I can only imagine.

I believe Aura Cove has resonated with readers due to the generational family element. In this disconnected world, we are all hungry for connection. I wish I had the kind of tight family bond that Katie, Yuli, and Zoya share, so I thought writing about it would be the next best thing.

While researching the book, I’ve become obsessed with the afterlife. Though I was raised Catholic, I don’t practice organized religion anymore. But I do believe there is something after this, and it was a theme I explored in this series. I stumbled across the teachings of Carol Bowman and was fascinated by the prospect and what it could mean for Katie’s family. In case you’re curious, here’s a link to check out:

Carol Bowman Forum Thread on Reincarnation into Same Family

Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, this is another book I discovered during the research process. 

Finally, I want to thank my readers for taking a chance on an unknown author. From day one, I wanted to write characters that you would love and create a heartwarming escape where the bad guys get their just desserts—and I believe we’ve done that together. Your messages of support have sustained me through dark days when I was working sixty-hour weeks and earning pennies an hour. Every time I was ready to throw in the towel, one of you would slip into my inbox with a bit of encouragement, and it always helped me find my center and continue. Because of your kindness, this series exists in its entirety. I am deeply grateful and hope to entertain and delight you for decades to come.

With deepest love and affection,
Blair Bryan