The TMI September 3, 2023
Be one of the first to enjoy Flash Mob.
Here's a behind the scenes look at the first paperback. It takes me about a year of focused work to complete a novel, so when I call them my book babies, it's true!
Flash Mob is available right now, exclusively on my website (coming to other booksellers worldwide on Oct. 1st), the story seamlessly continues from where Hawt Flash left off. Join Katie on her very first Karma rebalance assignment as she encounters intriguing, unsavory characters from her great-great-grandmother's tantalizing past. Brace yourself for a captivating, pulse-pounding journey that you simply cannot afford to miss!
Aflutter Book Club
What is it? It's an interactive platform where you can read and connect with me and other fans. As a member, you'll also get exclusive early access to every book in the Aura Cove series as they are finished, and weekly chapters of First You then Him and Velvet Guild 2.0. Superfans will get an exclusive peek into my research, writing, and editing processes. If you want bestie access, and to help support my creative writing, this is the way to go! It's going to be a blast!
Curious? Become a free follower and get a sneak peek here.
Currently Reading: The Soulmate
This book irritated the hell out of me. Filled with character flaws and plot inconsistencies, you have to suspend belief multiple times. I felt manipulated the entire read. This was a NYT Bestseller that fell flat and had me saying out loud, "Come on!" The editor was asleep at the wheel on this one. If you don't need logic, or for a thriller to be believable you might enjoy The Soulmate, but I expected more.
Currently Writing: Flash Point: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 4
I'm 1/3 of the way done with the first draft. You are going to love this 4th installment of this new series. The first look at the cover will be in two weeks for fans and superfans inside the aflutter book club.
The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Dawn Thorpe
P.S. I Need Your Help!
Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them!
More reviews=More visibility.
You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt
You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt