"This is a tremendous story about a mother and daughter taking a magical trip together in an attempt to reconnect before the daughter graduates and leaves home. Everything doesn't always go as planned -- sometimes it's better but there are also some 'dips' that help the two of them open up and talk honestly about their thoughts and feelings. The travel and the treehouses are fascinating, too! If you enjoy thought -provoking women's literature and stories about mothers and daughters who love each other but don't always like each other, this is a great book for you."
Surprisingly delicious. Using cottage cheese for the base, you blend it silky smooth for a summer treat that is high in protein. I don't freeze it, instead it chills in the fridge and has the mouth feel of cheesecake. Grab the recipe here.
This story was from a NYT Best-selling author and also is an Editor's Pick on Amazon so I thought it would be a winner. I love a story with quirky characters set in a small Midwestern town and parts of it I loved. However, the ending was one of the most anti-climatic endings I've ever read. The characters motivations and feelings were not revealed enough and fell flat for me.
Tired of reading about 20-somethings saving the world? Hawt Flash celebrates powerful women over age 50. It's a hilarious and heartwarming escape, perfect for summer reading.
The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Jeff Clarke

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