The TMI: Jan 21, 2024

🌞Escape to Aura Cove!

✨Immerse yourself in a world of magic, mystery & laughter. SAVE 20% on the bundle now and discover your supernatural powers! 

Paranormal Women's Fiction Series: Midlife in Aura Cove Order Now

Currently Waiting: For Paperbacks to Arrive

My shelves are empty! A record breaking day of paperback sales the week after Christmas cleaned me out of my entire Aura Cove series in one day.

But this time, Amazon is taking twenty times longer than usual to fulfill orders for authors. It's so frustrating for me and for readers. The guilt I feel, seeing all your orders sitting there in the queue, while they take their sweet time to ship the books is reaching a fevered pitch. I put the order in the first week of Jan and just learned they won't ship until Jan 31st. Insane in the membrane! 

empty bookshelves

I am so grateful for the orders that are placed on this website and always do my best to ship them as soon as humanly possible. Having my hands tied like this is beyond frustrating, especially when they can print and ship regular orders through their site in 2 days or less. 

I'm taking additional steps to ensure this never happens again, but if you placed an order and you're waiting, I offer my most sincere apology. I'm having growing pains and I appreciate your understanding. (Remember all my paperback orders come with the e-book version for instant enjoyment. Hopefully that helps ease the ache while you wait!)

Currently Reading: The Whispers

This was a fast-paced, compelling read filled with characters you'll love to hate. It's filled with sharp insights into life in suburbia, and the judgement of the ambition of mothers.

The Whispers by Ashley Audrain book review by blair bryan


Currently Writing: In a Flash: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 5

Why Writing novels is like an archaeological dig.

First drafts are like an archeological dig. I chip away at it bit by bit, trying to uncover the story that wants to be told, and trying to go it justice. Right now I am working on In a Flash, Book 5 in the Midlife in Aura Cove Series. It is coming together beautifully and I CANNOT WAIT to share it later this year. 

The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Wendy Allen

(Enter for your chance to win at the bottom of this page.)

P.S. I Need Your Help!

Book review Blair Bryans books

Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them! 
More reviews=More visibility.

You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt

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