The TMI August 6, 2023

Why you will love "Up in the Middle of Nowhere" 

"As you read through their adventure and discovery, it's difficult not to think about your own relationships with your parents and with your children. While I tried not to feel guilty about my own teenage angst I put my mother through, this book honestly had me in tears. Nova realizes (just like I have) our mothers are one of the very few people that are always in our corner and show up for us - unconditionally.

The best part is that the novel is based on true events. I think it's easy to see how true their relationship hits home."    Net Galley Reviewer

up in the middle of nowhere uplifting women's fiction by Blair Bryan

Currently Reading: One Italian Summer
This was a magical journey through the Amalfi Coast with twists
and turns that were a delight. READ IT!

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle book review by womens fiction author Blair Bryan

Currently Writing: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 4
It's the beginning of the process where anything can happen. Book 3 came together like a dream and I am working hard to make sure this one is just as satisfying. 

Now is the Time to Order Flash Mob
If you want to be one of the first to have an autographed paperback in your hands, you need to place your order by August 10th. I'll be putting in my first order on the 11th to send out September 1st. 

Flash Mob by Paranormal Womens Fiction Author Blair Bryan

Haven't Read Hawt Flash Yet? Order the Paperback Bundle
Receive both books and shipping is free.

The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Amanda Lauriat

P.S. I Need Your Help!

Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them! 

More reviews=More visibility.

You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt. 

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