The TMI August 27, 2023
Aflutter Book Club
What is it? It's an interactive platform where you can read and connect with me and other fans. As a member, you'll also get exclusive early access to every book in the Aura Cove series as they are finished, and weekly chapters of First You then Him and Velvet Guild 2.0. Superfans will get an exclusive peek into my research, writing, and editing processes. If you want bestie access, and to help support my creative writing, this is the way to go! It's going to be a blast!
Curious? Become a free follower and get a sneak peek here.
5 MORE DAYS Until Flash Mob is available for exclusive early access.
Or Become a Book Club Fan and it Read Now.
After discovering she has supernatural powers and has been chosen to conspire with Karma, Katie’s first mission involves a desperate pregnant woman and has her tangling with unsavory characters from her great-great grandmother's checkered past. It is a showdown between good and evil that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This one is a thrilling, magical escape.
Currently Watching: What We Do in the Shadows
It's The Office with vampires. The strange combo of hilarity and horror simply works! It's vastly different than anything else on the streaming services right now. Available on Hulu and FX.

Currently Reading: The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot
This book is my favorite read of 2023 so far. The characters grab a hold of you on page one and never let go. It's UpLit, which is the genre I write most of my books in and I hope one day to write a story that resonates with a reader like this one did with me. READ IT!!
Currently Writing: Flash Point: Midlife in Aura Cove Book 4
I'm 12,000 words in and the story is getting it's legs. The first look at the cover will be in two weeks for fans and superfans inside the aflutter book club.
The Weekly Gift Card Winner is: Shannon Hahn
P.S. I Need Your Help!
Reviews are gold and help me reach more readers. Did you know, you can review on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, and Apple Books or at any other bookseller? You can even copy and paste your review to all of them!
More reviews=More visibility.
You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt
You can write as much or as little as you want and I would be forever in your debt