50 Nudges Episode 1: The Catalyst.

50 nudges a pay it forward adventure on kindle vella by ninya

Why are you doing this?

I got fired...at forty-seven...right before the holidays. In my almost five decades on this planet, I’d never been fired before, and it was a wake up call. You’re curious aren’t you? I know what you’re thinking. People don’t get fired for no reason, there has to be more to this story. I wish I could share all the grisly details. It is a deeply convoluted tale that has so many nuances it is more fit for the plot of a low-budget movie of the week, but alas, I was served an official cease and desist, and to avoid a costly legal battle, I can’t share any more information.

This event caused the total destruction of my self worth and sent me reeling into a pit of fear, anxiety, and worry. During the blurry days that followed, I didn’t know what was next, but I refused to let this setback keep me locked there, a prisoner in my own mind. At the time it seemed all the doors I knocked on either remained locked, or slammed shut in my face, and friends—I was wallowing. 

It was time for a plot twist.

Read the rest on Kindle Vella...

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50 nudges a pay it forward adventure by Ninya on Kindle Vella


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